Who doesn’t like to be read to? I know I love it, always have. Especially when the reader is such a good lookin’ guy 🙂
Well, last week I wrote something to the effect of “since I’m teaching so much I’m not really looking too hard for a regular job.” Well, God must have been chuckling when I wrote that bc not 3 hours later I got a phone call from the office manager of the Ophthalmology office I worked at about 3 years ago asking if I was going to be around for awhile and was interested in working…. What could I say? Especially when God gives me exactly what I wanted for hours.
They know I’m only going to be around, potentially, for a couple months so that’s ok. They only need me part time, mainly afternoons, which is perfect bc that gives me all morning to continue studying, read, work out, hang out with my family… So, thanks, Lord, I have a job. Yeah.
Now for the humility part. Yesterday and then later today I agreed to teach some Bible stuff to 7th and 8th graders at the Christian school in the area. Well, apparently what interests adults and college student does not interest them so much. Go figure. I taught on Abraham and a little about his culture and geography. One of the girls later told Jenna, my little sister, she thought it was interesting. But to look at their faces and try to get a response was like pulling teeth!!!! Honestly, I did get some response but, not as much as my pride would have liked.
So, this afternoon I am teaching them again and then tomorrow afternoon I start working. Woohoo, this lazy girl is not ready to be done with her 3 months of vacation just yet…
Yeah, and neither is the little sister who will NEVER SEE YOU NOW! How am I supposed to run errands? Alone?! Ha! That’s not gonna happen. Thanks to you getting a job I will run out of shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, body spray, vitamins, food, etc and I’ll never be able to get more… Thanks Er. Thanks a whole heck of a lot.
Wow Jenna. Erika, I am excited for you. It sounds like someone is going to go through withdrawls though! Hopefully I will get a chance to see you when I come home next week!