I love my goofy children 🙂 If you ask Rina how Micah is dressed she will tell you he is “a prince.” However, if you ask Micah the answer will be somewhat different… “a bad guy” he started telling me one day. Not really sure where that’s coming from but at this point I think he’s little enough I’m not too worried 😉

As for Ali – the girl can crawl and it is backwards! Yes, backwards. She gets up on all fours, looks around, and boom the booty goes behind (haha) and the rest follows. Actually it’s kind of like a crawl/slide but it moves her all over the room so she’s content 🙂 Rina and Micah didn’t crawl till they were almost 1 so this is quite early for us!

Both Bry and I had the incredible privilege of studying in Israel and it literally changed the way we look at Scripture and even set the course for our family in many ways. One of them being how we celebrate Easter. Please do not misunderstand me – we DO celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. However,

instead of doing it the typical way we have decided to use the Biblical model of Passover. So, tonight we will be celebrating our 7th Passover together with a group from our church. On Saturday we have the incredible privilege of celebrating Passover again with a small group at another church.