In Philippians 1 Paul comments on how his imprisonment for the gospel has caused many Christians to be encouraged to preach more. Some, he acknowledges, were preaching to be an encouragement to Paul and to try join with him in his suffering.

Others, however were trying to take advantage of Paul’s imprisonment and make a name for themselves awhile he was out of the picture. Paul’s response is amazing – what do I care as long as Christ is preached.

Paul knew it wasn’t his gospel and it wasn’t about him. It was God’s gospel and it was all about God. Therefore, God had the right to use anyone He wanted for whatever reason and in whatever way he wanted. Bc for Paul it was all about God.

There’s another story in Numbers 11 of two men who were prophesying by the Spirit of God but w/o Moses’ “permission” and Joshua runs up to Moses and says “make them stop!” Moses responds “are you jealous for my sake? Oh that every man, women, and child in this camp would have the Spirit of God on them and be able to prophesy!” In other words Moses was saying – who am I? I’m just the servant of God, it’s all about God! And if God decides to use them as well – great!

These two passages came together in my brain one Sunday morning when it had been decided that I would not speak but instead, someone else was given the privilege of standing up before the congregation. They were given “my time!” (I hope you can begin to see my struggle)

As I listened and watched while God spoke through someone else I was struck hard by the fact that it really isn’t about me. I’m just the servant. God can use who He wants when He wants and how He wants.

And truly, I should be praying that the Spirit of God would so overwhelm believers that all men, women, and children would be able to speak a word from the Lord at any given time.

God wants to use us all. He is more than willing! The question becomes – are we willing to be used? Whenever, however, and in whatever way. Bc it’s not about us, it’s all about God.