“If I call will You come? When I cry do You hear? I believe every tear is caught up by a faithful God. So I will cry until You come. Cast my cares into Your arms. I can’t see past this storm. But I’m counting on a faithful God.”
This was the song that ran through my head over and over again on the day we found out Shiloh had passed. Since then God has used this song at a few key times during this past year.
The first Sunday I went back to Church after Shiloh’s death.
During my pregnancy with Natty.
It was sung around the time of Shiloh’s 1 yr anniversary.
And it was sung again today. And today we dedicated Natty to the Lord. 
It was an emotional Sunday for several reasons. This was the first of my baby dedications to not have grandpa Rick praying over the child. This was the first to have Grandpa Gord be involved. And this was our time to dedicate back to the Lord a baby we have been desiring for over the last 2 years. 
Shiloh and Grandpa Rick. Two members of the family who were missing and were very much missed this day.
But they are also two members of the family who are currently with Jesus praising His Name. It was hard not to cry during the service.
Especially during this song. I couldn’t help but think back to that day. The pain, the heartache, the loss. And now, to have this precious little girl in my arms… It almost seems too good to be true.
I am overwhelmed by the faithfulness and goodness of my God. And singing that song today it felt like God Himself was saying “See, Erika, I told you I would carry you. I told you it would be ok. I told you to trust Me. I’ve got this and I’ve got you.”
What a God. I am so thankful He is that into the details.
“Faithful God, You hold my life secure and all my days are Yours’. And I believe my God is like a fire defending me faithfully. And I know that You are mine and I am Yours’. I know Your faithfulness it will endure.”