I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Bryan and I did. The school put together an authentic American Thanksgiving. The students and cooks did a great job. The food was delicious, the company was a lot of fun, and the desserts were plentiful. I didn’t get much homework done, but it was a holiday. They didn’t have your layered jello, Grandma, so it wasn’t a perfect Thanksgiving, but it was close.

The pictures above are of Tell Dor. There are not too many natural harbors on the coast of Israel. Only 3 I believe. And none of the three were ever really under Israelite control, except for a few times. Anyways, this is the middle one of the three, south of Mt Carmel. It juts out into the Mediterranean.

As you can tell it was raining the day we saw it. This was part of our Galilee trip. When it rains in Israel they will tell you not to bother with umbrellas because it rains sideways. It’s true. We had to walk about 10 minutes through the rain to get to this tell. One half of my pants and coat were soaked, the other half was dry. I am not exaggerating either. If I had been smart we would have gotten pictures to prove it but we didn’t.

Alas, you’ll have to content yourself with the rainbow….