A Mother’s Cry

Many of you know that Bryan and I lost 2 babies between Ali (child #3) and Natty (child #4), and I am currently pregnant with baby #5, and it’s a boy (yay!).  After having Natty I honestly thought this pregnancy would be easier to go through.  I told myself,...

Beauty From Ashes

This past weekend it felt a bit like our family had finally come full circle. We had the privilege of celebrating the wedding of my mother-in-law to a wonderful man. And although he will never replace my father-in-law, he is still a very good man who loves my...


It has been quite awhile since I’ve done a personal blog so I figured it was time.I’ve been thinking a lot about Shiloh lately. It still amazes me that this little boy who I only carried for 4 mos and held in my arms for a few short hours could have...

Blessings and Raindrops

I was recently made acquainted with a song and it has spoken to me in huge ways. I’d like to share some of the lyrics with you.”We pray for blessings, we pray for peace. Comfort for family, protection while we sleep. We pray for healing, for prosperity. We...

The Hand of God

It’s been a mos since the death of my baby boy. Sometimes it is still so hard to believe. I have a baby buried in a cemetery… I honestly never thought that would happen. It is true that on the one hand, time does seem to help and even heal. I don’t...