Well, here I am at 21 weeks. It had been a long day at work that’s all I’m going to say 🙂 The first picture is normal but Bryan wasn’t sure you could see the waist well enough so that’s why I’m holding my shirt in the second one.

I am fully in maternity clothes now. It took me awhile to make the switch. I kept trying to wear normal pants that were bigger and just use a belt to tighten them, but that only worked when I was standing. When I sat down I couldn’t breathe and the baby and I both got squished several times 🙂 My mom finally convinced me to just wear maternity pants. So, I am. But, I’m in that awkward phase where I’m still a little too small in the waist to wear those properly so, let’s just say I have to pull my pants up a lot. Babies 🙂 Who knew clothing could be so difficult.

I understand now why women use to wear dresses. How much easier would that be. Just let the dress out as you grow. No restrictions on the waist or legs, no problems bending, and not to mention letting you stay cooler… Yep, I never was one much for dresses but I’m beginning to see a reason 🙂

On other news I am in the process of creating a 6 week Historical Geography course for my parent’s church. Basically, I’m trying to incorporate geography and history and explain/show their relevance to the Biblical text. In other words, why are they important to know and what do they have to do with the Bible. I know there’s not much you can do in 6 weeks but hopefully it’s a way for the church and me to get our feet wet without drowning 🙂 I’ll let you know how it turns out….