I’m thinking Rina is teething. It’s just a guess but the constant (or semi constant) drooling and the almost constant gnawing on her fingers (or anyone else’s) is making me think there might be teeth coming anytime. However, she started drooling in her second month and she started gnawing on her fingers about 6 weeks ago so it’s been happening for awhile and maybe she just drools 🙂

Did I mention I just love this little one! She is so stinkin’ cute!
I have been in an amazing Bible study for the past 6 weeks. We were going through Priscilla Shirer’s book “Hearing The Voice of God.” It is an amazing study and I heartily recommend it for anyone!!!!! Here are some things that hit me:

1) God speaks not just to be heard but to be obeyed. Maybe the reason we don’t hear God speak all that often is bc we don’t obey when we do hear. (ouch)

2) It is God’s responsibility to make His will known, not mine to find it. And when God wants me to know what I’m suppose to do, He’ll tell me. Otherwise, I just need to obey what I know for today and not worry about tomorrow.

3) If we don’t obey immediately we probably won’t at all. We’ll talk ourselves out of whatever we think God is telling us to do. (so true, I don’t know about you guys but I OFTEN convince myself ‘God didn’t say that…’ and so I don’t do it)

4) One major way God speaks is through the Bible and He will NEVER go against His word. That’s why it’s soooooo important to know Scripture.

5) It’s a LEARNING process! We’re not going to get it right all the time every time. (phew)

Just some stuff that encouraged and challenged me.