Just in case I’ve ever give you the impression I have the world’s only perfect child these days 🙂 Here’s a pic of Rina throwing a little temper tantrum. I don’t remember what it was about. Could be anything sometimes…

It almost feels anti climactic to get back to our discussion but I will just to end it 🙂 If, as opposed to the way many think today, keeping God’s specific commands (all 613) didn’t “save” Israel then why did God give them commands?
I think quite a few reasons actually but I’ll just do two.
Practically – think about it, these people have been in slavery for almost 400 years! They have absolutely NO CLUE what it’s like to live as non-slaves, as free people. They don’t know what it’s like to run a nation, own slaves themselves, run towns or villages. They need to be taught – you’re no longer slaves, here’s how you live.
Spiritually/eternally – These people have little or no knowledge of the God of Israel anymore. That’s one of the reason (I think) Moses asks for God’s name. The name of the deity was very important – it told you about the deity. In essence Moses was asking God – what are you like? Through giving Israel specific commands, God was giving them knowledge of who He is and what He is like. Be just bc I am just. Be merciful bc I am merciful. Don’t murder- all life is important to Me…
Along with that – God chose Israel to be His representative to the nations. Israel was to be “like God” in their actions so that the world could look at them and say “oh, your God must be just bc you are just. Your God must be merciful bc you are merciful…” Israel was to show God to the world in how they lived- differently, separately, unlike those around them, holy.
So, what about us? Is it any different for us today? Can I tell people “you want to know what God is like- watch my life. I live like Him.” Hard thought I’ll be honest. Too often that’s probably not the case…