I am so ready to be done with this laptop! The keys don’t always type the best, I can’t comment on anyone’s blogs (or my own), I can’t print, I can’t send pics… Frustrating. I know, I know, I need to be thankful I have a laptop to use and have some commincations with the outside world but I am ready to be done.

So, we finally bit the bullet and bought a new computer (yay and ouch!) We went through every different option under the sun (the blessing and curse of having a computer nerd husband 🙂 ) but finally decided at this point the wisest option was also the most expensive and to just buy the new computer. Lord-willing it should be arriving during Thanksgiving week. Yay!!!

Rina and Micah are both doing well 🙂 This time change, though, has really messed Rina up! She started getting up at 6am!! Fought that one hard have to be honest. Yesterday I was so excited when she woke up at 7:30. This morning however, at 5:42 I hear a noise and she is in the living room playing with toys. You have Got To Be Kidding!!! I gave her a bit of milk and sent her back to bed 🙂 I think she fell back asleep around 6:45 finally and slept in till 8. Hopefully this is the final time change struggle.

My big Micah Man gets more interactive each day 🙂 When he smiles it just melts my heart. I can’t wait to hear him laugh…