It has been said that the reason Christmas is so much more popular than Easter is bc a baby is easier for people to deal with than a grown man. Especially one who tells you to be like Him and He ends up dying on a cross and then being raised back to life. It is good to celebrate the birth of Jesus. To visit once again the baby in a manger, shepherds, animals, sheep, wise man, the star, angels… hopefully once again we will feel the awe and wonder that God came in the flesh.
But once Christas is done what will you do with the baby as He grows up? Although we celebrate the baby yearly the truth is Jesus did not stay a child. Jesus grew up and became a man. Luke 2:52 states, “and Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and favor with God and man.” The baby in a manger becomes a man to be reckoned with.
And although the gospels tell of the birth of Jesus and its miraculous event, they don’t focus on it. Matthew and Luke have just two chapters each on the birth of Jesus. Mark and John ignore it completely. Most of the Gospels focus on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It’s good to remember the way Jesus was born once a year yes, but the rest of the year do we remember the way He lived and why He died?
The sweet lovable gentle innocent safe precious baby in a manger grew up and became a man. What will we do with the man Jesus this next year?