Yes these would be my incredibly goofy children 🙂 Micah loves to dress up bc his big sister often loves to dress up. It’s amazing what having sisters will do for ya.

We are doing well just a crazy busy week. I’ve had something every. single. morning. I didn’t realize how doing one thing in a morning can take up the WHOLE morning which can then take up the WHOLE day between the task of getting the kids ready to get out, going out, coming home, eating lunch, naps, and then it’s almost time for diner…. phew!

Next week I have a homeschooling conference that I am attending Thurs-Sat. I’m looking forward to the mini break (although Ali is going with me) but I’m not sure the blog will be updated. Update my blog or clean my house… I can tell you which I’d rather do but I’m not sure my husband will agree with my priorities 🙂