The death of Jesus is not what makes Him unique.

The cross of Christ was an amazing sacrifice. What all occurred on the cross will never be fully understood by the human mind. But do you realize the story didn’t end there?

It is good to focus on the cross but it must be seen in light of the empty tomb. I am here today not simply because my Savior died, but also because He lives.

Many Jewish men died on a cross. Jesus was not even on that hilltop alone. There were 2 other men on crosses of their own. Tradition holds that the apostle Peter was crucified. The fact that Jesus died on a cross does not make Him unique.

What makes Jesus unique (besides the fact that He was the Son of God) was that the cross for Him was not the end of the story.
Death could not hold Him.
The grave could not keep Him.
On the 3rd day Jesus walked out of that tomb, heart beating and blood pumping.

It was not in hearing about the death of Jesus that Paul was compelled to believe in Him but in meeting the resurrected Lord – that is what convinced Paul that Jesus truly was the Messiah and the Son of the Living God.

Proclaim the death of Jesus, shout it from the hilltops till all men know about it but don’t end the story there.

Jesus is alive. The Son of the Living God is alive and the world desperately needs to know it.

Believer, may you live in light of not only the cross of Jesus but also in light of His resurrection. May the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus fill you with faith, assurance, and hope.
Our God is faithful and one day you and I will see it.

Because Jesus lives.