Veronica and Erika unpack the details behind the Christmas story. 

In this podcast we will be discussing the tradition of the three wise men visiting Joseph and Mary as well as their country of origin.  We all celebrate Christmas on December 25, but is that the exact date of Jesus birth?  Is it even in December or winter at all?  Erika suggests it may have occurred on the feast of Sukkot (aka Feast of Weeks, Feast of Booths, Feast of Tabernacles).  Many nativity scenes have Jesus born in a stable or cave.  How close to reality is that picture?  Erika explains what houses were like in first century Israel and shows how the Greek word for “inn” found in Luke 10:25-37 is not the same word used in the story of Jesus’ birth.  Finally we discuss what life would have been like for Mary as a betrothed and pregnant woman.  What were Joseph’s options?  What did his actions say about his character?  

Thanks for joining us as we add color to the story we all know so well.