This week Veronica and Erika deal with some of the bigger topics in chapters 1-3.  Pharaoh is determined to remove the “swarm” of Israelites but the midwives thwart his plans with their lies.  God doesn’t show up into the story until chapter 3 when Moses is over 40 years old, but we see that God was working behind the scenes. How do you see God working behind the scenes in the story? How do you see God working behind the scenes in your life? 

Memory comes into play as Moses encounters God at the burning bush. God’s response to Moses’ doubts was not to point to how great Moses is, but to who God is and His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. How did God work in Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob’s lives that might be helpful to Moses? If God came to you, what past stories could He point to to show His faithfulness in your life?

Veronica mentions the book “The Winged Watchman” by Hilda Van Stockum and Erika quotes Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 

You can join us on our Facebook page called “The Context and Color of the Bible” as well as Erika’s website

In order to prepare for this study we used the following books or articles:
Exploring Exodus by Nahum Saran
Exodus: God, Slavery, and Freedom by Dennis Prager
The JPS Commentary on Exodus by The Jewish Publication Society
Messiah – Issue 24
Exodus: Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible by Thomas Joseph White, OP
Exodus: A Mentor Commentary by John L. Mackay
Shadows of the Messiah by First Fruits of Zion, book 2
Miqra Journal – Winter 2003