Veronica and Erika continue their study on the book of Acts.  Their goal is to add to your understanding of the book of Acts.  By bringing out the connections between Exodus and Acts, they show how the Bible has a unified theme that runs throughout the pages.  Exodus introduced the reader to the kingdom of God.   Acts shows His kingdom is growing and expanding. 

In this episode, they discuss the effects of the kingdom growing to include the Gentiles, aka heathens according to Brad Young’s book “The Newer Testament.” Surprisingly though it’s not Paul who leads the way and opens the door for the Gentiles.  Peter, one of the pillars of the early church, must be the one who brings the Gentiles in.  For the rest of Acts and most of the New Testament, we will read the of the struggle of how Jews and Gentiles are to live in the kingdom. 

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Music: Tabuk by Kevin MacLeodLink: