A Successful Mom

(I wrote this awhile back when I was really struggling with mommy-hood)If you are a success as a mom bc your house is always clean, then I am a failureIf you are a success as a mom bc your dinner is always perfectly times, delicious and nutritious, then I am a...

A Mother’s Hope

(Since we just celebrated Mother’s Day…)This seemed like a good time to acknowledge how thankful I am for my own mother, and to admit how incredibly hard I have found motherhood to be.In many ways my mom made it seem effort-less. She always had the answer,...

On A Personal Note

There is a definite blessing to being completely open about a love of chocolate. When something happens, it’s a sure-fire way people will comfort, encourage, and show their love. I have been blessed with a bit of chocolate this week. And yes, I am thoroughly...


No, I am not pregnant. And no we are not moving. And no Bryan is not changing his job. I think I’ve got all the biggies covered :)The main change I meant was about me. I am stepping down as coordinator of MOPS at the end of this school year. I can hear the...